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Pet Guide

Learn About The Behavior of Cats, Then Cultivate Good Habit

18 Oct 2022

Many cat lovers often encounter the following situations: cats scratching the sofa, furniture, or being scratched by cats while playing ... Only by truly understanding the emotions expressed by its behavior can you better communicate with it and build trust.

First Time Using a Cat Litter Box

Cats like to choose places with gravel to defecate, so many kittens are born to use litter.Just fix the location of the litter box, put the cat in through the meat pad to feel the texture of the litter and leave the smell, and basically learn to go to the toilet here.

Note: The cat litter should be spread to about 5 cm. Kittens need to clean the litter twice a day because of the number of bowel movements; as adults, clean it once a day. The frequency of litter replacement is recommended around 2-3 weeks, or when the smell is heavy.

First Time Biting Something

"Hunting" is an instinctive behavior for cats, and when you tease them, they may activate their nerve cells to hold your finger and nibble gently, or even see your finger as an "Imaginary Enemy".

The owner should not be too harsh to stop, just make a stopping sound when scratching and biting, the kitten will know that the degree is too much.

First Time Causing Trouble and Scratching Furniture

Most parents have the problem of their cats scratching the furniture, to prevent this bad habit you can take the following measures:

  • Prepare the cat scratching post, then grab the cat's two front legs to simulate the scratching action, so that the secretion of the cat's foot glands will stay on the scratching board and the cat tree.
  • After several training sessions and the attraction of the smell of the secretion, the cat will pick and scratch on its own.
  • Besides, you can also buy some catnip (a scent your cat likes) to rub on your cat scratchpad to protect your furniture as well.

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Maintenance Tips

First Vaccination

Vaccination is given at 6-8 weeks, followed by immunization every 3-4 weeks, and the last immunization is given at 16 weeks of age or older, for a total of 3 immunizations, and a booster once a year.
(*Rabies vaccine is recommended for the first time at 12 weeks of age, and the well is vaccinated once a year, please consult your pet doctor for details)

First Deworming

The first deworming is recommended for 2 weeks of age; from 2 weeks to 2 months of age, every 2 weeks; from 2 to 6 months of age, once a month; from 6 months of age onwards, once every 3 months. After adulthood, deworming should be done at least 4 times a year. (*Please consult your pet doctor for specific deworming methods.)

Loving our beloved pets is like loving our children, we accompany them as they grow up and they accompany us in the loneliness of our lives.

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